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Alice Biolo - Never Dare I Say

Ausstellung zeitgenössische Schmuckkunst
„Never Dare I Say“ is a project where individuals anonymously share their deepest secrets, which are then transformed into unique brooches. By creating these tangible objects, the project validates the secret writers‘ feelings and sparks broader conversations about mental health and taboo topics.

Launching at Plattform Schmuckkunst in Graz, Austria, it will tour various locations, gathering local secrets and turning them into brooches. This initiative fosters public participation, highlights our shared humanity, promotes empathy, and provides insight into the diverse yet interconnected experiences of individuals across communities.

Hailing from Italy, Alice is narrative jewellery designer based in Glasgow. She has been exploring the theme of pain, trauma, insecurities through her collections to spread awareness about mental health and open a conversation with the public, with the aim of normalised human emotions. The predominant characteristic of her creations lies in their simplicity and the absence of adornments on the front. The designs remain concealed on the back, eschewing any overt symbolism for the public and fostering an intimate connection solely with the wearer.
Vernissage 20. Juli 2024, 17:00 Uhr
21. - 27. Juli 2024, Di - Fr 12:00 - 19:00 Uhr, Sa 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Weitere Informationen
Am 21.7.2024 wird um 19:00 Uhr per Instagram-Livestream durch die Ausstellung geführt. Im Anschluss werden das Eröffnungsvideo und die Fotos der Arbeiten ebenso auf der Vereinshomepage zugänglich sein.

(c) Foto: Plattform Schmuckkunst